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Things You Should Know About The Exotic Shorthair


Known for its teddy bear looks, with large, expressive eyes and cute round faces, the Exotic Shorthair is a beautiful cat breed. Many know the Exotic Shorthair as basically being a shorthaired version of the Persian, but the Exotic Shorthair was said to have been created by mixing a Persian with an American Shorthair. While the Exotic Shorthair possesses a very Persian temperament, being docile and sweet, this breed is a bit more adventurous and playful due to its American Shorthair lineage. Fun fact: The Exotic Shorthair was first referred to as a “Sterling” because of its coat color.
Much like the Persian, the Exotic is a loving breed that prefers to be seen and not heard. These cats are exceptionally quiet, hardly using their meow and not one to demand your attention the way that some other affectionate breeds might. Fun fact: the Exotic may even take more to one specific person in the household, favoring their companionship over others who are present.

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